Dr. Kenan Hamwi
Specialist Orthodontist
Dr. Kenan specializes in Invisalign and lingual orthodontics for patients of all ages. He is experienced in Invisible braces for adults, and functional treatments for protruded and retruded jaws for children. Dr.Kenan is a lecturer at international conferences hosted by professional orthodontic organizations. He is also a Member of a World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) and the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)
- Comprehensive orthodontic diagnosis (photo protocol, 3D, diagnostic models)
- Adult, adolescent and pediatric orthodontics treatments with braces, Invisalign, aligners
- Interdisciplinary Orthodontic Treatment
- Various pediatric orthodontic appliances (removable and fixed), growth modulation
- Saint Joseph University
- Member of the World federation of orthodontists (WFO)
- Member of the American association of orthodontists (AAO)
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Dr. Kenan Hamwi
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