Preventive dentistry

Prevention implies a comprehensive approach with the restriction of sugar-containing products, the elimination of bad habits and strengthening immunity.
Preventive dentistry includes several steps:
- primary is high-quality personal hygiene, routine professional dental cleaning, the use of fluoride-containing products;
- secondary is restoration of functional and aesthetic characteristics of teeth and gums by filling, endodontic, anti-inflammatory and surgical treatment;
- tertiary is reconstruction of lost tissues and dental units with artificial materials: prosthetics and implantation.
To maintain oral health, it is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day with a brush and paste – this is an axiom. It is also very desirable to use dental floss – floss – and an irrigator, especially if there is crowding of teeth and prosthetic structures.
To conduct professional hygiene, it is worth visiting a hygienist every six months or a year, depending on the rate of plaque formation. In the clinic experienced hygienists work, and they will choose the optimal method of removing dental deposits, taking into account their number.
With the same frequency, it is recommended to be shown to a dentist-therapist to detect caries and other diseases in the early stages. If necessary, he will do an X-ray or CT scan, according to the results of which he will make a treatment plan. If necessary, the therapist will refer the patient to a periodontist or surgeon.
In the medical center competent specialists work, and they regularly improve their qualifications, undergo training and internships not only in domestic, but also in foreign clinics.
You can count on high diagnostic accuracy, since all studies are carried out on the latest equipment. After all, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the exact diagnosis.
What diseases can be prevented by the prophylactic measures
Regular visits to the dentist contribute to the prevention of most pathologies of the oral cavity, namely:
- timely hygiene prevents the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on the enamel surface, thereby reducing the risk of caries and periodontitis;
- detection and treatment of superficial caries stops the carious process, preventing its transition to the middle and deep stages;
- professional cleaning of teeth with gingivitis, as well as a course of anti-inflammatory procedures stops inflammation in the gums, preventing periodontitis from developing;
- dental filling and endodontic root canal treatment helps to avoid the development of pulpitis and periodontitis, as well as premature tooth loss.
What procedures are carried out in the clinic
Primary and secondary prevention can include a variety of manipulations, including:- removal of plaque and calculus by ultrasound, laser or air flow sandblasting. According to the indications, mechanical (manual) cleaning can be used;
- polishing of previously installed seals in order to extend their service life;
- remineralization, fluoridation of enamel;
- sealing of fissures if they are too deep or have the shape of a flask, drop, polyp;
- personal selection of hygiene products for oral care;
- treatment of caries with the installation of fillings;
- therapeutic applications with anti-inflammatory gel for gingivitis, periodontitis;
- physiotherapy procedures in the presence of signs of periodontal disease, as part of complex therapy (intravenous injections, vitamin and mineral supplements, immunomodulators).
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