
Gynecology is a branch of medicine specializing on the assistance in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.
Women turn to a gynecologist after the sexual debut, if there are complaints from the genital organs, for a preventive examination for sexual infections that may occur without pronounced symptoms (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis). A gynecologist observes women during pregnancy, prepares them for childbirth.
The medical center Poyclinic.ае is attended by highly qualified specialists: candidates and doctors of sciences, doctors with the highest and first category work here. We use the most modern methods of instrumental examinations and laboratory analyses. During the reception, the necessary measures for the prevention of infectious diseases are observed, only disposable tools are used. The laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment that allows for more than 800 different studies.
The diagnosis is established and assistance is provided as soon as possible and at the highest level. In the premises of the gynecological department of our center, doctors provide a wide range of medical care from inflammatory diseases to modern high-tech techniques for minimally invasive operations on the pelvic organs.
What diseases are treated by gynecologists
In the gynecology department of the medical center diagnostics, monitoring and treatment of such diseases and conditions are carried out:- vaginal inflammation and dysbiosis (vaginitis);
- endometritis, inflammation of the uterus;
- salpingitis and salpingoophoritis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
- uterine fibroids;
- erosion and cyst of the cervix;
- polyps and condylomas;
- various cycle disorders;
- polycystic ovaries;
- endometriosis;
- dysfunction of sex hormones, leading to a violation of reproductive function;
- severe menopausal period;
- pregnancy and infertility;
- prolapse and prolapse of the uterus;
- sexually transmitted infections.
What research and treatment activities are carried out in the clinic
In the conditions of the Department of Gynecology conducted:
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- office hysteroscopy;
- cervical colposcopy;
- hysterosalpingography;
- cytology and histology;
- PCR examination;
- serology and bacteriology;
- determination of the level of sex hormones
- genetic and immunological research;
- radio wave surgery;
- cryotherapy;
- HPV vaccination;
- installation of a pessary;
- hymenoplasty and other types of intimate plastic surgery;
- insertion and removal of the intrauterine device;
- careful individual selection of contraceptives;
- examination of both partners in infertility;
- infertility treatment, preparation for pregnancy, prolongation of pregnancy in the presence of a history of repeated miscarriages;
- filling out and issuing a prenatal record.
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