Dmitrii Cherkas, an aesthete and perfectionist by nature, derives great pleasure from fabricating dental restorations that enhance both beauty and happiness. His primary expertise lies in the creation of fixed aesthetic and functional restorations. Dmitrii has extensive experience in producing crowns and bridges, various structures on implants, inlays, and veneers.

He is skilled in layering feldspar ceramics on ZrO2 and Emax frameworks, and staining E.max pressed full-anatomical ZrO2 restorations. His practice also includes the fabrication of wax-ups. Proficient in the Exocad program, Dmitrii continuously strives for professional development by regularly attending seminars and master classes from experts in the field.

In addition to his professional skills, Dmitrii has a keen interest in photography and carving, which he incorporates into his dental practice. He is enthusiastic about exploring new perspectives and opportunities, especially those offered by working in an international team.


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Dmitrii Cherkas

Dmitrii Cherkas

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